Friday, August 7, 2009

Cody Pony, Bailey and Corn

Someone wanted to know about Cody, the Pony of America (POA) who lives with me. Cody is now 22 years old -- but ponies often live to be in their 30s. Here he is doing what he likes to do best -- eating!

Sometimes Cody will give you a bit of his evil eye!

Pretty scary, huh?! Well, okay. Maybe not. Other times he shakes his head.

But most of the time he just sort of looks at you to see if you have something for him to eat.

Bailey likes to be in the pasture with Cody. He often sits and just looks around to see what is going on.

But sometimes he lays down and enjoys the soft clover.

My sweet corn is just about ready to pick. In a few days it will be time.

Can't wait...

Thanks for stopping by.


Jo said...

Aw... look at all that beautiful clover Cody has to eat. I know a little girl who would love to go for a ride on a pony like that.

And look at Bailey... It looks as if he has seen a


Cedar said...

Fresh field corn...yum...

Memphis MOJO said...

Fresh corn, you can't beat it!

Dr.John said...

Brings back memories of my childhood and my pony.
The corn looks good-enjoy.

Maureen said...

Cedar said it, yum!

Anonymous said...

Cody looks great! Obviously, you take good care of him.

Love the pics of Bailey and your cornfield.

Finding Pam said...

What a lovely look into your farm and your animals.

Our corn dried up and died. Yours looks wonderful.

Essie said...

Cody is beautiful. His color reminds me of an old Appaloosa my great grandmother bought for me when I was a little girl living in Virginia. It's good to see Baily is doing well. Too funny Jo! SQUIRREL!
I used to live behind a corn field and the farmer used to let us pick some for ourselves and my dad would help on his property with the back-hoe. I loved being able to walk out and pick fresh corn. I can't eat it from the store. I have to find farmers. Your property looks beautiful.

Small City Scenes said...

Well I'm glad you are back. Chores will never be totally completed. Well you know that. Harvest is next.
My daughter had an Appy mare not much bigger than a POA. Papoose was her name. Jolene got her when they both were 12 and she had her for 14 more years. Papoose lived a good life. Sweet mare.
Bailey is looking good. MB

Carolyn said...

Welcome back. Baileu and Cody - another book in the series.

Also apprecaited your memory of the Jackson Browne concert. I saw him in Sydney in later years - still memorable.


Anonymous said...

Good post.....
Awesome photos........
thanks for sharin with us......


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