Friday, August 21, 2009


Late yesterday afternoon a thunderstorm came through. I was not happy looking out at the rain since this August has been cool and wet -- and it was raining again.

Suddenly the sun came out though it was still raining. I ran out the door and this is what I saw.

And unlike so often where you might see a little bit of a rainbow, this rainbow stretched clear across the sky in a perfect (of course!) arch.

It was awe inspiring.

And as I saw it stretch clear across the sky, I realized the most beautiful things in life are often very fleeting.

And unexpected. But you have to take time to look.

Thanks for stopping by.


Maureen said...


Small City Scenes said...

Truly spectacular!!!
So what if a little rain falls in our life when we can see beauty like this.. MB

Essie said...

GORGEOUS! I think I am going to vacation in Iowa one of these days.

Memphis MOJO said...

Nice shots. Did you find the pot of gold?

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are so pretty! I especially love that last shot.

I'm glad you took the time to look...and glad you had your camera close by.

Jo said...

In the last photograph, I can actually see the leprechauns and the little pot of gold. Can you see them? If you look really closely, you can see them -- just beyond the fence, right at the foot of the rainbow.

Hilary said...

That's a beauty. We had some nasty weather here ourselves yesterday with a very vibrant partial rainbow afterward. The full arc is a special treat. Thanks for sharing this gem.

Country Girl said...

What a special moment, Russell! I'm glad you ran to get your camera.

Leslie: said...

I like the photo where the power lines are juxtaposed across the rainbow. The lines - straight & curved are great together.

Daryl said...

Jealous ... I have yet to capture a rainbow!

Gypsy Lala said...

Wow, pretty rainbow. That is a wonderful sky watch.