Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Night to Day

I usually get up around 4 a.m. This morning when I stepped outside I saw this beautiful orange moon. This image does not do what I saw justice but you can get a general idea.

Walking towards the barn to do my morning chores I noticed the yard light. Something about the night is always fascinating, luring and mysterious.

Slowly the sky begins to go from dark to light.

And now I can hear Beatles singing Here Comes the Sun as I see this big yellow sun rising over an Iowa corn field.

I guess the best things in life are free...


nomore said...

Beautiful pictures!

larkspur said...

Dawn is the best time of day...

Maureen said...

Inspiring, and only in the countryside.

Tess Kincaid said...

Beautiful, Russell. We used to have one of those utility lights from the electric company on a pole outside, back when we were considered rural. The city has grown up around us over the years.

Memphis MOJO said...

Nice shots, thanks for sharing.

Daryl said...

LOVE the early morning ... its always the best part of the day, no one astir but me and the cats

Jo said...

The second photo is mysterious and gorgeous! I can almost smell the fresh morning air.

Country Girl said...

Wow, Russell! I thought I got up early today. I set the alarm for 5:30.

Marge said...

Great photos of light! One of my childhood memories is of playing outside after dark, under the yard light.

And now I'll be singing "Here Comes the Sun" all day!

Anonymous said...

AND... we have a full moon tonight.

Snappy Di

Dr.John said...

And with those beautiful free things there are no hidden shipping and packing fees.

Hilary said...

Lovely, moody shots, Russell. Always a pleasure to visit your part of the world. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Just beautiful. Love the sunrise. My it is flat there , huh.
I like to go out at night when there is a full moon and see what I can see. No outside light but the moon. It is so awesome. MB