Thursday, October 8, 2009

Last Apple

Yesterday I walked out to the apple trees. I thought I could see a little patch of red up in a tree.

Bailey, my brown and white dog, got to it before I did. He sat right under it.

As I walked up, he looked at me as if to say "What took you so long?"

He was trying to say "It's right there. Can't you see it?"

And as I got closer I could see it better. There it was. The last apple.

But when I went to pick it, Bailey seemed to say "Let it stay. At least one more day." So I did.

It will be there tomorrow. And we can get it then.

There's no rush.

Thanks for stopping by.


Leslie: said...

Be sure to savour its flavour! From now on, you'll be getting them at the store I guess.

Jo said...

Those pictures are wonderful. I remember last year when Bailey tried to eat an apple right off the tree. This one is a bit too high for him, it seems. It looks as if he wants you to pick it for him. What is that saying about forbidden fruit being the sweetest? Or maybe it's the last apple on the tree is the sweetest. :-)

Yesterday, one of the doctors where I work brought in a box of apples from her orchard. I am going to bake an apple pie this weekend, and maybe some baked apples. Tell Mr. Bailey he can come over to my place, and I will give him some apple pie -- with ice cream.

Hilary said...

I love it when Bailey is at the core of your posts. ;)

Finding Pam said...

Bailey is so photographic and his personality just shines through. I enjoyed the photos. Did you raise that corn?

Debbie Courson Smith said...

We had apples this morning for breakfast..I don't know how you can wait!

Anonymous said...

I guess that last apple is history now.

I love apples! A couple of years ago when I first started having back problems, the pain was so bad...I lost my appetite for almost everything. Except for apples. For months, I lived on apples. I never tire of them and wish I had them growing in my yard.

Small City Scenes said...

Sweet post and great pictures of Bailey. MB