So often we are so preoccupied with looking through a window we do not appreciate the beauty of it.
Many windows are extremely simplistic. A person really does not even notice it is there. That is probably the idea.
I noticed the windows in this classic Richardson Romanesque building. Notice the roller shades on some of the windows.
I like these windows towards the top of the building.
I showed this window in my last post. But this time around I noticed that the window itself is quite remarkable, though your attention is drawn to the people.
Who could resist this window?
Paul Klee was a famous Swiss and German artist. I did not know that, of course, until I looked it up. He his most famous work is called "The Twittering Machine." He did that in 1922.
And here you thought Twitter was something new!
Thanks for stopping by.
Love the Paul Klee quote! Takes a keen mind to come up with sayings that are great enough to be on a building.
I have always been fascinated by windows. In fact, one of the prerequisites for wherever I live, is what type of windows the place has. I once lived in a place that had horseshoe-shaped windows that wrapped around one whole end of the apartment. It felt exactly like the observation car on a passenger train.
The windows in your pictures here are beautiful, and they frame the scenery just perfectly.
A great invention, the window, until they started putting those annoying grids in them. Give me a broad expanse of glass I can see out of if I am forced to be inside! My favorites here are to the left of the round tower in photo #4 - unless the light is catching them in such a way that I can't see the grids... maybe it's because the windows in my old childhood home were two unobstructed panes of glass, one over the other and the view from them was unhindered. You always turn simple things into such interesting mind journeys.
Isn't it amazing how the ordinary becomes a thing of beauty or interest when we finally notice it.
Interesting post and I love the Klee quote. True!!
Hi russell, thanks for you comment about the Haida. Here is an interesting link,
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