I always think of Easter as being a nice, spring day complete with tulips and other spring flowers blooming. In reality, tulips are still a few weeks away here in Iowa but at least the grass is getting green.

I recall as a child Easter was a time for Easter baskets, going to church and then having a big meal with the family. It was not quite like Christmas but it was still pretty special. I also remember it was a time when women and girls wore Easter hats.

As with many holidays, it seems we often think of our childhood days or times when our own children were small.

I laughed when I saw this cartoon.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by.
Love the cartoon, what?
*Heh, heh*
Happy Easter...!
Eat lotsa chocolate. :-)
lol this is funny Nice pics:)
Happy Easter to you as well :)
Ha...that was cute. Happy Easter!
I'm a day late and a dollar short with Easter greetings - the eggs (great photo!) and chocolate are gone, but the grass and flowers are bright and very welcome! Happy spring!
Russell please email me. IowaCurls@gmail.com
I hope you had a nice Easter day.
2 of my daughters and 2 of my grandons and me too-- went on the ferry to see Great Grandma. We had a delightful time and nice lunch. We made egg salad sandwiches, I brought a Quiche and Jolene brought some sparking apple juice and we feasted like kings and queens and topped it off with brownies. Who could ask for better. Happiness to you. MB
I hope you, Bailey and the other critters had a wonderful Easter with family and friends. :)
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