The trail is for horses, bicycles and walkers. Snowmobiles are allowed in winter.
And so we began our 4-mile walk. On this trail you can walk as much or as little as you want. I figured going two miles one way and then walking back would be enough for us today.
We had no idea what this concrete post could be. The holes indicate that something went into them but we could not figure it out.
Often we would stop and just listen. The sound of Baltimore orioles was very clear and I even saw a few.
I liked this old wood wagon that was off the trail. You don't see those any more.
This old telephone pole was hidden by trees and brush. But you can still see it back in there. I wondered if it could have been for a telegraph wire, but most likely not.
I almost stepped on this fellow! He is a Prairie King snake and is harmless. Well, not exactly. He is one of the few snakes that can eat a venomous snake! Snake venom does not bother him.
With all the recent rains, this creek is pretty full.
Bailey heard something.
He started looking intently at the river.
That's what he heard! Some kids kayaking.
Time to go home!
Thanks for stopping by.
What a great day for Bailey and you. So much to see when you PAY ATTENTION lol
That looks like a beautiful walk. I can almost feel the warmth through there. I think I would have screamed and run in the other direction when I saw the snake, however. Brave you to stand and takes it's picture!
Bailey is such a good tour guide. It looks like the two of you had quite a lovely hike. I'm guessing that Bailey is also far better behaved than Benny because I can rarely manage a decent photo if he's with me.. he tugs at that leash and produces another blurry shot. Thanks for taking me along for the hike. I quite enjoyed it. :)
Like walking along with the two of you - thanks! Bailey looks as though he enjoyed himself. Look at that smile in the last photo :)
When I was a hippie in the Ozarks years ago, I wore an ankle bracelet with bells on it so snakes knew I was coming in hopes they would stay away.
What a nice day for a good stop and listen walk. Bailey looks a bit tuckered there how about you? LOL
Look at that park--what a difference a few monthes make---and no rain too. MB
Bailey reminds me a lot of my Jake. He has a very nice face. He obviously still has a good sense of hearing.
Thanks for the little walk and the description of the snake. Always learning.
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