I like this little point and shoot camera a lot. It has served me well and been a faithful companion over many miles.

However, this summer I am taking a class in digital photography. The first thing I was told was that my little point and shoot camera was not acceptable. I had to get an SLR camera. I think that stands for Single Lens Reflex. I really don't know. That is why I am taking a class.
After looking at lots of used cameras on CraigsList and eBay and other places, I think the camera I have decided to buy is a Canon Rebel t3i.

This looks like a real bad boy camera (is that the right lingo?). It reminds me of a 35 mm film camera I used to own in the 80s and 90s.
So if you are into photography, let me know if you happen to see this. I know nothing but I think I want to get a camera that is new and, most imporantly, easy to use while still taking a good picture.

Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Take care.
Sorry I can't help you, however the next camera I buy will be this one !
I've heard so many excellent reviews about it .
Good Luck !
That is my goal this year too, an SLR camera and a class or lessons. I don't know what I'll get, but probably a Canon or a Nikon. Probably price will play into it! Good luck and can't wait to see your pictures......you have a good eye already, and with a new camera you will be great!
I know that SLR cameras make me very jealous. Hit the bookstore and the companies have books to tell you about them. Digital's actually work off of heat that colors make in light. I have the point and shoot also and I know that I miss out when I see bloggers who are using SLR. The quality of photos are wonderful.
I bought one of the first digital cameras in the late 90's an Olympus. It was miraculous and I used to take pictures of all social things and of people who wanted "personal" pictures taken. Since then I've had 4 others and those 4 cost less together than the first one.
I kill them, loose them, you name it. Now I take pictures wiht my DROID X. It seems to be just fine. I may get another camera some day but not now.
I'm a point and shoot princess. I just moved up to a cannon PowerShot SD1300 which I love.
The Rebel seems to be THE next step.
Yes, to do more you need to know more and to spend more...I'm doing the "within these limits" thing. . . for now. Please share little tips along the way!
Great to be BACK!
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
It all depends on your price range. I understand the Rebel to be a very good first DSLR camera. I was given a more advanced Canon EOS 50D as a gift a couple of years ago and I am deeply in love with it.. but it's got a significantly higher price tag. If you're just beginning to learn about DSLRs, then the Rebel is probably a good choice.
I'll reply to your email soon. :)
I don't know much about photography as such, hubbie is the one who loves and uses the camera, but I bought him some o other simliar looking Canon several years ago and it's lasted well. Enjoy the classes. I also live in the country with wide open grassplains and farmlands - though I like mountains in the background too. Others like what they call the Bushveld..but it's all bush and claustophobic for me...see you around sometime..
Hi there!
I own (and enjoy) the T1i (which is very similar to the T3i, just a year or so older). I thoroughly enjoy my camera and found that it is a very good beginner's camera. It's great to learn on and is capable of getting great pictures if used correctly. I will admit, I already want to upgrade to the 7D though. It has better low light capabilities. Other than that, the Rebels are great cameras for the money! :)
I would love to have a Canon Rebel---you will too. I will have to say many pennies to get one. I have had several Canons and each has broken enough not to be fixed. My last camera (a Canon) broke and they said it was obsolete. I got it in January. And it could not be fixed. The store replaced it with a Nikon which was comprable and I like this one. So love what you get. MB
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