The river is not nearly as wide as it gets farther downstream but it is a good size as it flows past LaCrosse. I really liked this sculpture of these two children and their Scotty dog.
If you look the other way you can see what they are excited about.
The downtown area is along the river and consists of a large number of eclectic buildings. Many are older buildings that have been renovated.
You see a lot of stone buildings.
I was impressed with how neat and clean everything was that I saw.
And there are lots of fun signs.
Here's a gift shop called Cheddarheads.
And one for a place called Coconut Joe's.
This is a well known establishment called Buzzard Billys.
There are many sculptures around the downtown area. This is one of dancers.
And I saw several fountains. As it was a hot day this looked quite inviting.
Right along side all these older buildings and looking out over the river is this newer Civic Center.
Still, I found this place amusing as I walked by -- the bold proclamation that this was a mind altering tattoo shop - heh!
In any event, whether it was mind altering or not, I found LaCrosse an extremely pleasant town and enjoyed my visit a great deal.
Thanks for stopping by.
Omigoodness, Russell, that town looks absolutely wonderful...! I love little heritage towns like that. That is exactly what I imagine small town in the U.S. to look like.
Beautiful photos!
(I had a Scotty dog just like that when I was little. Her name was Maggie.)
thanks for taking me there through these beautiful pictures...
What a wonderful tour through LaCrosse. I thoroughly enjoyed all the shops with the interesting names.
It looks like a great place to visit. That sculpture really is very special. I like it when the business get creative with their signs.
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