Getting close to my corner I noticed something was going on.
There were machines in the field. Those machines were not harvesting crops. They were taking down trees and moving the earth.
What had been a field of corn or beans last summer was being turned into a housing development.
This is known as urban sprawl. Valuable farm land is even more valuable as housing lots.
When I moved here this past summer I knew it was only a matter of time before the field close to me would be developed. I had hoped it would not be this soon.
As I write this, the machines have completed their work. It only took a few days.
I was reminded of Joni Mitchell's song Big Yellow Taxi.
They took all the trees
And put 'em in a tree museum
And they charged the people
A dollar and a half to seem 'em
Progress ....
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm writing this and listening to Joni Mitchell. Thanks. It's sadly true: 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'.
Or sometimes you might, as in the case here.
yes so sad They should leave the trees at least.
Well that's disheartening. I don't know why developers can't at least work around mature trees. Sigh!
Omigawd, I had no idea they were taking down trees...! How awful is that! There is no reason to take down trees. Developers only see $$$$$ signs, don't they? They can't see the forest for the trees. *sigh*
Well twice I left a comment and twice it didn't show up. Darn Blogspot anyway.
I asked many questions and now they are just yesterday stuff.
What happened to Pony? Do you still have Bailey. I loved your farm------
All around the world, people lamenting the same thing.In the name of development, something dies off ...the connectivity with nature.
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