I wish these two lamps could talk. I am sure they could tell me quite a story.

Not sure why this vase was on such a high shelf.

I had no idea what this was. Maybe something you could put ... well, I really don't know.

This little wind chime was nice. At least I knew what this was and it was appealing to the eye.

You would not put this sun dial outdoors. If you had a library in your home it would fit there nicely.

This shop had a lot of colored glass you could put on a patio or deck or outside a kitchen window. It would look good in the sunlight.

This is a cat that has a gazing ball for a body. Interesting.

Could you use a colorful frog? Or two?

These little flowers seemed to be saying "take me home with you!" I resisted the urge.

Walking back to my car I noticed a wire tree covered with little glass beads. I have noticed some of these in people's back yards lately. Must be a popular thing.

I didn't find a frame but I sure saw a lot of things that made me think.
Thanks for stopping by.
I love stores like this. You never know what will pop up there.
It is fun to browse in a store like this. It makes me wonder more than think. I hope you find just the right frame--somewhere.
The moon shots are nice--real is the best. MB
I love found things like these. I would have taken them all home, but I especially love the little frog. That is meeeee *heh*
It certainly had a lot of different kinds of things. Useful and not so useful. I like the blue glass also.
It certainly had a lot of different kinds of things. Useful and not so useful. I like the blue glass also.
Some fun, whimsical items there. I quite like the coloured glass and the sundial.
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