Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome Winter

Yesterday Cody Pony was outside eating grass.

This morning when I drove to work, it looked like this

When Bailey and I went outside this afternoon to do our chores, it looked like this

But I had put lights up on an outdoor tree yesterday and it now looked like this

And this

Tomorrow we are supposed to get a blizzard. I will try to think about the glass being half full!

Thanks for stopping by.


Jo said...

Oh.... the tree looks wonderful...! And it has


colored lights! Even the orange ones look good.

Doesn't Bailey's bum get cold, sitting on the snow like that? :-) It looks c-o-l-d!

Anonymous said...

Time to hunker down in the house while the storm blows all about outside. Just make sure you shovel a path so Bailey can get outside to go potty. :-)) Right, Bailey??

The Blue Ridge Gal

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Wow - that's about our story. We put up the Christmas lights Sunday and then the snow came Monday. Good job on the tree!

Marge said...

Yup, we're gearing up for the blizzard, too. There were flurries as I drove into town this afternoon and everyone is running to the grocery store for milk and bread. Seems people can handle any kind of a storm if they have milk and bread! And this could be a big one. The weather station is saying maybe 10 inches with high winds.

Texas here we come!! (In 21 days!)

Pop and Ice said...

A very pretty snow and lovely Christmas tree outside! We've only gotten snowflakes, so far.

Hilary said...

Your tree looks colourful and lovely. Bailey is such a cool pup. Do Bailey and Cody like the snow?

Country Girl said...

Be careful in that weather, Russell. It's a fast-moving one.

Small City Scenes said...

It looks cold too.
We have been having temps in the 20s and lower and blue skies and sunshine. Very nice for here. Usually we just have cold rain. Very unusual but I like it. No snow here---good!!
The scenes looks nice though. The outside tree is very pretty. MB

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