Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Images

Easter is always a nice time of year. It is a holiday that, among other things, seems to be the official announcement of spring. A new beginning.

It is a holiday of colors.

And lots of fun things to eat.

Here's a candy I have never understood - but they look fun!

This meal looks incredible. Sitting down with your family and eating is a big part of any holiday.

And, of course, the Easter Lilly and its strong fragrance is always special.

I hope you and your family have a Happy Easter or Passover this spring.

Thanks for stopping by.


Small City Scenes said...

Happy Easter to you and yours too.
When the kids were little I used to get jelly beans and throw them all over the living room floor and when they woke up in the morning they would grab their little baskets and scramble to find the jelly beans.
It worked for us. haha!!
Yes we had snow and then it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day--a little chilly but who cares when the sun is shining.
Have a good weekend.
Next week end another High School rodeo--300 miles away. but I will be there for Kylee. MB

Hilary said...

Thanks, Russell. I wish the same to you and yours, also.

Pauline said...

And a Happy Easter to you as well. The bunny missed my house this year but my grandchildren report that he was at theirs!

A Lady's Life said...

Happy Easter to you and your family.

Maureen said...


RSA Now said...

Gosh, I know there's amazing food and everything else but my favorite part of Easter is always the lilies ;)

kim said...

Happy Easter to you . Yes the meal is looking very tempting. The best thing about any festival is family get-together and food!!!
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