Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Johanna!!

Today is December 27 and that means only thing across the world -- Johanna's birthday!  Vancouver has been gearing up for over a month to celebrate this special day.  Two days ago it had a dress rehearsal with all sorts of celebrations and people getting together.

Yesterday, the last day before the BIG day, Canada closed down to get ready for TODAY.

So here we go!!  Johanna's birthday is ALWAYS celebrated by having these guys roll by with their special Happy Birthday Log!  She grew up in a logging town so this is appropriate.

We will get together to play some music on my high tech record player.  No iPods for us!  Just the real thing!

And there's the official Party Zebra!  Okay!  Now tell me.  Does he have black stripes or white stripes??  He may look docile but he is really a .... wild animal!

I see your gardener stopped by to bring you his own cake.  So nice of him to do that.  What?  You thought it was me?  Uh .... right.  Sure.  You bet.  I mean, do I look like that kind of guy?  I mean, do I look like the type of guy who would bake a cake??!  Pleeezzzzz.

Marilyn!  So good of you to stop over for a moment!  I heard you are one of Johanna's biggest fans!

And look who else wants to say a special Happy Birthday to you?!  Well, I suppose.  After all she came all the way to Vancouver from London just to see you.

Oh, almost forgot.  These guys stopped by to sing you a special Happy Birthday song.  Said you might know who they are.   I said you were pretty busy with some important guests but you might be able to spare a few minutes for them.

Happy Birthday Johanna!!  This is YOUR day!  Celebrate!


Jo said...

Russell, you are a HOOT...!!! Well, I am spending my birthday in very good company -- the Queen, Marilyn Monroe, the Rolling Stones, and Yoooooo. *heh*

Thank you...!

EA Monroe said...

Wow, Josie! Sounds like you had a Grand Birthday! I love Russell's post! ~Liz

Small City Scenes said...

What a fun birthday you are having. Hope you had a happy one. Gee, Russell you do make a girl feel special. MB