Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year

Where did 2012 go?  Seems like it was just a year ago we were celebrating the new year.  Wait ... never mind.

I hope you have a great New Year.

I am very superstitious so I am not sure how I feel about a year with the number 13 in it.  But some people consider 13 to be a lucky number.  Guess there is not much we can do about it either way.

Used to be a time when I went out on New Year's Eve and drank champagne and liked to be around a lot of people wearing funny hats and making a lot of noise.  But now, at least for me, New Year's Eve is a quiet night and I think it like it better.

If you are into a lot of celebrating, I am happy for you.  If not, I am happy for you, too.  Life is as good as we choose to make it and if we don't enjoy life, no one else will enjoy it for us. 

So do whatever makes you happy and do it a lot.

A year is made up of months and months are made up of days and days are made up of .... you get the idea.  Enjoy the moment, laugh a lot, be with people who enjoy laughing and find a balance in your life between those serious times and those silly times.

Happy New Year to you.

1 comment:

A Lady's Life said...

Well the Chinese are one year ahead so we had our unlucky 13 this year and now it's 14 lol
So.....Don't worry about it lol
Today it's better to stay at home.
Too many drinking and driving.
My son wants to go snow boarding and I am saying no. Lets see if he listens or goes with his friends from the US who are coming up for the New Year.